• पशुपालन और डेयरी विभाग
  • भारत सरकार GOVERNMENT OF INDIA
    मत्स्यपालन, पशुपालन और डेयरी मंत्रालय Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying


S.No. Title Published Date Order No. File Download
1 Dr. Badal Biswakarma, Director is relieved of his duties in this Department with effect from the afternoon of 28.02.2025. - A- 12025/4/2025-Estt(Hqrs.)/(E-23051) RelievingOrderDrBadalBiswakarma.pdf
2 The President is pleased to appoint Smt. Sheetal to the grade of Private Secretary of Central Secretariat Stenographers Services (CSSS) w.e.f. 01.01.2025 (FN) under the Seniority Quota (SQ), in Level-8 of the Pay Matrix in DAHD. - A-19012/1/2025-Admin_1 (E-32733) NotificationCSSS.pdf
3 President is pleased to appoint following Officers as Section Officer of Central Secretariat Services on regular basis, in Level-8 of Pay Matrix in the DAHD. - A-32012/1/2O21-Admn.I (E-19240) NotificationSectionOfficers.pdf
4 Ms. Shraddha Pal, Deputy Director is relieved of her duties in this department with effect from 31.12.2024. - A-19011/10/2021-Admn. I/ (E-2O4O4) RelievingOrderofMsShraddhaPalDD.pdf
5 Shri Sarbeswar Majhi, ISS(2009), Director is relieved of his duties in this Department with effect from the afternoon of 13th December, 2024. - A-19011/15/2018-Admn.l/E-16997 OfficeOrderSMajhi.pdf
6 Dr. Sulekha S.L., Assistant Commissioner is relieved from her duties in this department with effect from 22.11.2024. - A-12025/3/2019-Admin_l(E-11950) RelievingOrder.pdf
7 Ms. Sarita Chauhan, Joint Secretary is relieved from her duties in this department with effect from 13.11.2024. - A-19011/6/2023-Establishment(HQ) (efile - 24725) RelievingOrderofMsSaritaChauhanJS.pdf
8 Notification by the President under clause (3) of Article 77 of the Constitution regarding Amendment to the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961-reg. - AB-11018/37/2024-Gen_Cord. (E-28562) PresidentNotification.pdf
9 Release order of Shri Girja Nand Singh, Joint Secretary on attaining the age of superannuation from DAHD. - A-15012/07/2023-Estt.(Hqrs.)/E-26963 Notification2_0.pdf
10 On attaining the age of superannuation, Shri V.U Joseph, Under Secretary in this Department will retire from Government service with effect from the afternoon of 30th April,2024. - A-15012/6/2023-Estt.(Hqrs.)/E-26092 Notification1.pdf
11 Notification of ARO for Conducting Elections for the Members of VCI - Reg. - K-12052-1/41/2023-LH (E-25444) Notification-ARO.pdf
12 Notification for Returning Officer for Elections of Members of VCI-Reg. - K-12052-1/41/2023-LH (E-25444) NotificaitonOfROForVCIElection.pdf
13 Neeraj Kumar Kush, SSA has been promoted to the grade of Assistant Section Officer. - A-32012/1/2021-Admin-1/(E-19240) Notification.pdf
14 Measures to prevent Rush of Expendture at the fag end of March, 2024. - G-28011/1/2020-Cash-DADF MeasuresToPreventRushOfExpendtureAtTheFagEndOfMarch2024.pdf
15 Computation of Income Tax for the financial year 2023-2024 corresponding to the Assessment year 2024-2025 - No.10-1/2019-Cash ComputationIncomeTaxCircular.pdf
16 Appointment of Dr. Ajit Singh Yadav to the post of Director, C.C.S. NIAH, Baghpat - K-13012(44)/8/2019 (Admin.3) (E-13519) Notification2.pdf
17 On attaining the age of superannuation, Shri Atul Chaturvedi, IAS (AM:1986)' Secretary in this Department will retire from Government service with effect from the afternoon of 31st July,2022. - A-15012/5/2021-EstL(Hqrs.)(E-19334) Notification1.pdf
18 Notice: The CPCSEA has blacklisted M/s Kreate Technologies Private Limited - V-11011(18)15/2019- ANLM Notification0.pdf
19 President is pleased to appoint Shri Ram Pratap Sinha as Under Secretary of CSS (Select List Year - 2022) on regular basis, in Level-Il of Pay Matrix in the Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying w.e.f . 21.07.2022. - A-320121112021-Admn.I (E-19240) Gazette-Notification-RP-US.pdf
20 Shri sudhanshu shekhar, Technical officer (DD) is hereby promoted to the post of Assistant Commissioner (Dairy Development) in the scale of pay of Level-1 1(Rs.67700- Rs.20g700), on regular basis. - A-2001/8/2006-A.I/( E-8268) PromotionOrder-AC.pdf
21 Expression of Interest(EOI) For Leading IT companies/Livestock and Dairying Organizations/Start-ups/Research & Educational Bodies - N04003/49-Cattle_Div RevisedEoIDated25-10-2022.pdf
22 Notification:- Smt. R. Lakshmi Devi, Deputy Secretary in this Department will retire from Government service with effect from the afternoon of 31-st August, 2021. - A- 15012/9/2020-Estt.(Hqrs.) Notification.pdf
23 Notification (Superannuation: Shri Dharam Pal) - A-15012/8/2020-Estt.(Hqrs.) SHRI-DHARAM-PAL.pdf
24 Notification (Superannuation: Shri Rajesh Kumar Gupta) - A-15012/8/2020-Estt.(Hqrs.) Rakesh_0.pdf
25 Notification (Superannuation) - A- 15012/9/2020-Estt.(Hqrs.) RetirementNotification.pdf
26 The President is pleased to extend the Central Deputation tenure of Dr. O.P. Chaudhary, IFoS, Joint Secretary for a period of two years or until furthers orders - A-19011/4/2016-Admin I NotificationHindi.pdf
27 Shri Pradeep Kumar Anand, Director (ISS) will retire from Govt. service w.e.f afternoon of 31st may,2020 - A-15012/6/2019-Admin I Update-.pdf
28 Notification- Apollo College of Veterinary Medicine, Jaipur - K-12052-6/6/2017-LH
29 Notification- College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences ,Meerut - K-12052-6/1/2018-LH NotificationCollegeOfVeterinaryAndAnimalSciencesMeerut_0.pdf
30 Shri Bhanu Pratap, Assistant Commissioner will retire from Govt. service w.e.f. afternoon of 31st January, 2020 - A-15012/3/2019-Admin I Notification-30thjanuary2020.pdf
31 Shri Harsh Prakash, Deputy Secretary in DADF Dept. will retire from Govt. service w.e.f afternoon of 31st January,2020 - 38012/1/2019 Admin I Notification-6thjan2020.pdf
32 President is pleased to appoint Dr. Bhusan Tyagi, Assistant Commissioner to the post of Deputy Commissioner w.e.f forenoon of 09.01.2020 - A-12025/05/2019-Admin l Notification-10-01-2020.pdf
33 The President is pleased to extend the deputation period of Dr. Dilip Sikdar as Assistant Commissioner in Dept. of Animal Husbandry & Dairying w.e.f 11.01.20 to 10.01.20 - A-12025/05/2019-Admin l
34 Notification dated :03-01-2020 - A-12025/03/2018-Admin I Image1.pdf
35 Office order 03-01-2020 (Notification- 6-8/2009) - A-12025/03/2018-Admin I Image--.pdf
36 Apointment of Dr. Abhijit Mitra, Principal Scientist, ICAR- Central lnstitute for Research on Cattle, Meerut to the post of Animal Husbandry commissioner in Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying. - - AbhijitMitraAH.pdf
37 Notification for use of Aadhaar under Section 7 of Aadhaar Act,2016 for targeted delivery of financial and other subsidies, benefits and services funded from Consolidated Fund of India. - - AadharNotificationRGM.pdf