Kisan Credit Cards
A Special Drive has been undertaken by the Department for providing all dairy farmers of Milk Cooperatives and Milk Producer Companies with Kisan Credit Cards (KCC).
- Under the dairy cooperative movement, approximately 1.5 crore farmers are associated with 230 Milk Unions in the country. It was proposed to provide KCC to these 1.5 crore dairy farmers belonging to Milk Unions and Milk producing Companies during 1 st June-30 th September 2020) under a special drive. Due to Covid -19 lockdown and natural calamities in most of the states the campaign was further extended up to 31 st December 2020.Till date 53.10 lakh applications of Dairy farmers have been collected by Milk Unions and 45.75 lakh applications forwarded to the Banks.
- So far, more than 25.00 lakh fresh KCCs were sanctioned for AHD Farmers.
Scheme Guidelines
- Kisan Credit Cards (KCC) Guidelines
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