• पशुपालन और डेयरी विभाग
  • भारत सरकार GOVERNMENT OF INDIA
    मत्स्यपालन, पशुपालन और डेयरी मंत्रालय Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying


Preparation of pay Bills including leave Salary, advances relating to Pay and allowances in respect of all the officers and staff of Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Personal staff of Ministers etc. Preparation of Arrear bills. (GPF categories and new pension scheme categories) through PFMS

Bills relating to office expenses, grants-in-aid sanctioned to various organizations, payment of professional and specialized services, printing/publication charges, through PFMS.

Recovery and online submission of License Fee.

Processing of claims for reimbursement of tuition fee in respect of children of Central Government Employees and preparation of bills thereof.

Preparation of Medical reimbursement bills.

Maintenance of GPF accounts, preparation of GPF Statements and Processing of GPF Advances/withdrawals and preparation of bills thereof

Group Insurance Scheme- Preparation of bills.

Processing and preparation of TA Bills/Air journey Bills/LTC Bills/Leave encashment Bills

Processing of cases of HBA and Computer Advances, Follow up action in respect of HBA, Computer Advances etc

Preparation of DCRG and commutation of Pension bills on superannuation/ voluntary retirement.

Preparation of Deposit Linked Insurance Payment

Settlement of audit objections.

Calculation and deduction of income-tax on salaries, preparation of Form-16

Issue of last pay certificates in respect of staff transferred/on retirement

Maintenance of Cash Books.

Payment of Conveyance Bills, imprest bills, contingent bills

Grants-in-aid disbursement through Demand Drafts/Cheques