National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP) is a flagship scheme launched by Hon'ble Prime Minister in September, 2019 for control of Foot & Mouth Disease and Brucellosis by vaccinating 100% cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and pig population for FMD and 100% bovine female calves of 4-8 months of age for brucellosis with the total outlay of Rs.13, 343.00 crore for five years (2019-20 to 2023-24).
Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is a highly contagious viral vesicular disease of cloven-hoofed animals such as cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats and pigs etc. FMD leads to reduction in milk yield, decreased growth rate, infertility, reduced working capacity in bullocks, trade embargo in the international market.Control of FMD can be achieved by mass vaccination of susceptible livestock repeatedly at regular intervals till the incidence of the disease comes down. This will pave way to gradual eradication of the disease from the country.
Brucellosis is a reproductive disease of cattle and buffaloes caused by bacterium Brucella abortus. The disease is characterized by fever, induces abortion at the last stage of pregnancy, infertility, delayed heat, interrupted lactation resulting in loss of calves, loss in production of meat and milk. Bovine brucellosis is endemic in India and appears to be on the increase in recent times, perhaps due to increased trade and rapid movement of livestock. In the absence of any treatment for Brucellosis in bovine animals, the disease can be prevented by vaccination. Control of Brucellosis can be achieved by a once-in-a-lifetime vaccination of female bovine calves (4 – 8 months old).
Objectives of the Programme
The overall aim of the National Animal Disease Control Programme for FMD and Brucellosis (NADCP) is to control FMD by 2025 with vaccination and its eventual eradication by 2030. This will result in increased domestic production and ultimately in increased exports of milk and livestock products. Intensive Brucellosis Control programme in animals is envisaged for controlling Brucellosis which will result in effective management of the disease, in both animals and in humans.
National Animal Disease Control Programme for FMD and Brucellosis (NADCP) is a Central Sector Scheme where 100% of funds shall be provided by the Central Government to the States / UTs.
Major Activities under NADCP for FMD and Brucellosis
- vaccinating the entire susceptible population of bovines, small ruminants (sheep and goats) and pigs at six-monthly intervals (mass vaccination against FMD)
- primary vaccination of bovine calves (4-5 months of age)
- deworming one month prior to vaccination
- publicity and mass awareness campaigns at national, state, block and village level including orientation of the state functionaries for implementation of the programme
- identification of target animals by ear-tagging, registration and uploading the data in the animal health module of Information Network for Animal Productivity and Health (INAPH)
- maintaining record of vaccination through Animal Health cards
- serosurveillance/seromonitoring of animal population
- procurement of cold cabinets (ice liners, refrigerators, etc.) and FMD vaccine
- investigation and virus isolation and typing in case of outbreak
- recording/regulation of animal movement through temporary quarantine/ checkposts
- testing of pre-vaccination and post-vaccination samples
- generation of data and regular monitoring including evaluation of impact of the programme
- providing remuneration to vaccinator which should not be less than Rs.3/- per vaccination dose and Rs.2/- per animal for ear-tagging including animal data entry
- National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP) (CS)
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