• पशुपालन और डेयरी विभाग
  • भारत सरकार GOVERNMENT OF INDIA
    मत्स्यपालन, पशुपालन और डेयरी मंत्रालय Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying


Appointment & Interim Arrangements
S.No. Title Published Date Order No. File Download
1 Furnishing of list of sensitive posts identified in the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying - reg. 2025-02-13 C-31013/1/2017-Vigilance SensitivePost.pdf
2 Engagement of two Consultants on contractual basis in the Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying. 2025-02-19 A-43011/16/2023-Admin_1 (E-24949) Signed-Circular.pdf
3 The following arrangements of Link officer at the Joint Secretary/Additional Secretary Level is made with immediate effect and until further orders. 2025-02-17 A-43011/9/2025-Admin-1/(E-33450) LinkOfficeratJSandAsLevel.pdf
4 Following transfer/postings are hereby ordered with immediate effect and until further orders. 2025-02-03 A-22012/1/2019-Admn.I/(E-16297) OfficeOrder.pdf
5 Dr. Suparna Sharma pachouri, Joint Secretary has been assigned the additional charge of lC Division, DAHD with immediate effect and until further orders. 2025-02-03 A-22011/1/2024-Admin_1/(E-29016) DrSuparnaSharmaPachouriJS.pdf
6 Appointment of part time CVO, as an interim arrangement in DAHD - reg. 2025-01-31 A-22011/1/2024-Admin_1/(E-29016) CVO-Appointment.pdf
7 Dr. Malay Das, Livestock Officer is hereby posted in LH Division of this Department with immediate effect and until further orders. 2025-01-28 A-12025/3/2022-Estt.(Hqrs)/(E-22960) PostingOrderofDrMalayDasLO.pdf
8 Dr. R.G. Bambal, Joint Commissioner, is hereby assigned the additional work related to looking after the charge of C&EP Division, DAHD with immediate effect and until further orders. 2024-12-27 A-22012/01/2019-Admin.l/(E-16297) OfficeOrderDrRGBambal.pdf
9 In continuation of this Department's Office Orders of even number dated 1st July 2024 and 4th September, 2024, the following work allocation is made with immediate effect and until further orders in view of the functional requirement. 2025-01-15 A-22011/1/2024-Estt.(HQs)(E-29016) WorkAllocation.pdf
10 With the approval of Competent Authority, the following changes/modifications is hereby made in respect of First Appellate Authority (FAA) on the basis of posting order by Admin-I. 2024-10-14 0-1101312/1/2020 -RTI Office-OrderFAA.pdf
11 Shri R.P.S. Rathore is hereby appointed in the Non-Functional Selection Grade (NFSG) in Level-13 of the Pay Matrix w.e.f. 01.01.2025 and re-designated as Director in this Department. 2025-01-06 A-19011/20/2024-Estt.(Hqrs.)/E-31629 RPSRathoreOfficeOrderasDirector.pdf
12 Dr. Malay Das is hereby taken on the rolls of this Department to the post of Livestock Officer w.e.f. 12.12.2024. 2024-12-31 A-12025/3/2022-Estt.(Hqrs)/(E-22960) MalayDasLO_0.pdf
13 Appointment of Nodal Officers from D/o Animal Husbandry and Dairying for monitoring/supervision of 21st Livestock Census - reg. 2024-12-19 T-11014/1/2022-AHS_DADF DAHDNodalOfficers21stLC.pdf
14 Shri Neeraj Nabham, Assistant Director is hereby posted in AHS Division of this Department with immediate effect and until further orders. 2024-12-06 A-22012/01/2019-Admn.I/(E-16297) PostingOrderofShriNeerajNabhamAD.pdf
15 The extension of additional charge of the post of Director 2024-12-03 AdditionalCharge.pdf
16 With the approval of the Competent Authority, Shri Madan Singh, ICAS:2017 Batch, is appointed as Additional Private Secretary to the Hon'ble Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying and Panchayati Raj (Shri Rajiv Ranjan Singh). 2024-11-28 A-11013/ 3/2O24-Estt.(Hqrs.)/E-28914 AppointmentOrderandNotification.pdf
17 Rama Shankar Sinha, Joint Secretary, is hereby assigned the charge of JS (LH) in this Department with immediate effect and until further orders. 2024-11-19 A-22012012019-Admn.I(E -16297) AppointmentandPostingOrder.pdf
18 Shri R.P.S. Rathore, Joint Director, is hereby assigned the charge of Plan Co-ordination Unit of this Department with immediate effect and until further orders. 2024-11-13 A-19011/6/2024-Admin-1/E-31619) OfficeOrder.pdf
19 With the approval of the competent authority and in supersession of all earlier orders in the matter, the following arrangements of Link Officers at US level is made with immediate effect and until further orders. 2024-10-16 A-22011/2/2017-Admn.l (E-3241) LinkOfficersatUSLevel.pdf
20 Appointment of Shri Sanjib Bhattacharya, Deputy Secretary as Nodal Officer for Palna Scheme under Mission Shakti. 2024-09-04 CRE-22/2/2024-Palna PalnaSchemeUnderMissionShakti.pdf
21 In partial modification of Office Order dated 1st July 2024 (copy enclosed), the following officers are assigned the additional Charge of the work, in addition to their present work, with immediate effect till further arrangement is made. 2024-09-04 A-l9011/5/2024-Admn.l(E-29016) WorkOrderDated4thSept.pdf
22 With the approval of the Competent Authority, following appointments are made in the personal establishment of the Hon’ble Minister of State for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying and Panchayati Raj (Prof. S.P. Singh Baghel). 2024-08-05 A-11013/4/2024-Estt.(Hqrs.)/E-28984 Office-Order.pdf
23 With the approval of the Competent Authority, Shri Ajay Pratap Singh is appointed as Asst. Private Secretary in the personal establishment of the Hon’ble Minister of State for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying and Panchayati Raj. 2024-08-05 A-11013/4/2024-Estt.(Hqrs.)/E-28984 Order.pdf
24 The following arrangement of Work Allocation is hereby made among the officers working under Animal Husbandry Commissioner. 2024-07-19 K-11025/8/2024-AHC WorkAllocationOrder.pdf
25 With the approval of the Competent Authority, Shri Himanshu Sharma is appointed as Addl. Private Secretary in the personal establishment of the Hon’ble Minister of State for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying and Panchayati Raj. 2024-07-26 A-11013/4/2024-Estt.(Hqrs.)/E-28984 Approval-Notification.pdf
26 With the approval of the Competent Authority, Under Secretary (Estt.HQs/Admin-l) is declared as the ‘Head of Office’, in respect of matters pertaining to Headquarters of this Department with immediate effect and until further orders. 2024-07-24 A-22011/1/2024-Admin_1(E-29016) Order.pdf
27 Shri Pankaj Kumar Sinha, Under Secretary is assigned the charge of Admin l and Cash Section with immediate effect and until further orders. 2024-07-15 A-19011/11/2024-Admin-1/(E-29259) OfficeOrder01.pdf
28 President is pleased to appoint Manui Gupta as Section Officer of Central Secretariat Services (Select List Year -2023) on regular basis, in Level-8 of Pay Matrix in the Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying. 2024-07-04 A-19011/15/2023/(E-25896) ManujGuptaNotification.pdf
29 With the approval of the Competent Authority, Dr. Vivek Kumar Saroj, Livestock Officer is hereby posted in the O/o AHC for looking after the work related to Empowered Committee on Animal Health (ECAH) with immediate effect. 2024-05-29 A-22012/01/2019-Admn.I/(E-16297) 2024_05_29_OfficeOrder.pdf
30 Following Veterinarians of DAHD are hereby granted promotion(s) under the DACP Scheme to the grade/level and with effect from the date(s) mentioned against each. 2024-05-21 C-12034/3/2020-Estt(Hqrs.)(E-16457) 2024_05_21OfficeOrder.pdf
31 Appointment of Shri Jai Prakash Singh as Assistant Section Officer of Central Secretariat Services in the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying. 2024-01-09 A-20011/4/2022-Admin.I/(E-23770) Office_order09012024.pdf
32 With the approval of the Competent Authority, Shri Dayanand Appa Sawant, Assistant Commissioner (Dairy Development) is hereby promoted to the post of Deputy Commisioner (Dairy Development) 2024-01-01 A-19011/9/2010-Admin.1/(E-18254) 2024_01_01OfficeOrder.pdf
33 With the approval of the Competent Authority, posting and transfers are ordered. 2023-11-24 A-22012/01/2019-Admin-1/(E-16297) OfficeOrders24Nov2023.pdf
34 DOPT OM No. 6/2/2021-CS.I(S) dated 08.11.2023, the President is pleased to appoint Shri Victor Bilung as Section officer of CSS on regular basis in Level-8 of Pay Matrix in the DAHD. 2023-11-22 A-19011/20/2023-Admin-1/(E-25933) Office_order22Nov2023.pdf
35 President is pleased toappoint Shri Victor Bilung as Under Secretary of Central Secretariat Services (Select List Year - 2023) [Grade-l] on regular basis, in Level-11 of Pay Matrix in the Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying. 2024-04-09 A-32012/1/2021-Admn.|(E-19240) Notification0.pdf
36 With the approval of the Competent Authority, Shri Vikash Kumar Vikrosy, Under Secretary is assigned the work of Establishment (HQs) and Cas Section of the Department from 1st April, 2024 onwards till further orders. 2024-03-27 A-19/2/2021-Admin_1(E-19128) 2024-03-27OfficeOrder.pdf
37 Assignment of additional charge of the post of Secretary, DAHD to Shri Jatindra Nath Swain, Secretary, DoF from 22.04.2022 to 05.05.2022 during the period of absence on leave of Shri Atul Chaturvedi. 2022-04-25 A-19011/21/2019-Admin I (E-13292) AddlChargeOfSecretaryAhd.pdf
38 Shri Sushil Kumar Jha, (DS) in DoF will look after the duties of PS to Hon'ble Minister of FAHD in addition to his own duties (interim arrangement) 2022-01-13 A-22011/ 1/ 2022-Estt (Hqrs) (Part-1) (E-21111) OrderDated13-1-2022ShriSushilKumarJhaPSToHonbleMinsterOfFAHD.pdf
39 Appointment of shri B. Ravichandran as Additional Private Secretary on re-employment basis in the personal staff of Hontle Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying (Shri Parshottam Rupala) 2022-05-25 A-11013/1/2022-Estt (Hqrs)E-21516 NotificationOrderForExtnOfTenure.pdf
40 Appointment of Dr Shyam Zawar as National Mentor for assisting IVF labs being established under RGM. 2021-10-25 N-05/14/2021-DADF-Dept Engagement-of-Shyam-Zawar-as-National-Mentor_0.pdf
41 Appointment in the personal staff of Hon'ble Minister of State for Information & Broadcasting (Dr. L . Murugan) 2021-07-24 A-22020/5/2021-Admin-II OfficeOrder1.pdf
42 Appointment of Shri Kedar Prasad Burande as Private Secretary to the Ministry of State for the ministry of Fisheries , Animal Husbandry and Dairying & the Ministry of information and Broadcasting 2021-08-17 4/10/2019-EO (MM-I) OfficeMemorandum.pdf
43 Appointment of Shri Rakesh Kumar Mishra, IRPFS (2001 Batch), as Private Secretary to Shri Parshottam Rupala, Hon'ble Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying. 2021-08-02 A-19011/6/2021-Estt.(Hqrs) OfficeOrder0.pdf
44 Appointment of CVO in Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying 2020-10-19 C-31011/2/2020 AppointmentOfCVO.pdf
45 With the approval of the Competent Authority, posting/transfers are ordered 2020-10-23 22012/5/2020-Admin-I(Estt.)(Hqrs) OfficeOrder-.pdf
46 Office Order: with the approval of the Competent Authority, postings/transfers are hereby ordered with immediate effect and until further orders. 2020-09-14 22012/5/2020-Admin-I Estt (Hqrs) OfficeOrder.pdf
47 Office Order Dated: 12.03.2020 (Shri Ajith Kumar K, Technical Officer (Dairy Development) is hereby promoted to the post of Assistant Commissioner (Dairy Development) in Level 11 of Pay Matrix of Rs.67700-208700) 2020-03-12 5-01/2019-Admin IV/E-11051 Office-Order-.pdf
48 Office Order No. 10/2020 Dated:- 05.02.2020 (The ad-hoc promotion/appointment to the private Secretary grade of GSSS) 2020-02-05 A-32012/01/2015-Admin I Office-Order-05-02-2020.pdf
49 Office Order Dated: 09.01.2020 (Dr. H.P. Khanna, Assistant Commissioner (AH), is hereby transferred from Cattle & DD Division) 2020-01-09 A.22011/1/2019-Admin I Office-Order_0.pdf
50 Office order 08-01-2020 (Dr. Vinod Bhatt, Director, CFSPTI is hereby taken on the rolls of this Department's Headquarters as Director in the Level 12 of the Pay Matrix w.e.f. 18.11.2019 (FN) 2020-01-08 A-19011/33/2019-Estt.(Hqrs) CCSRules.pdf
51 Appointment in the personal staff of Dr.Sanjeev Kumar Balyan Hon'ble Minister of state for Fisheries 2020-01-06 A-11013/7/2019-Admin I AppointmentPersonalStaff.pdf