• पशुपालन और डेयरी विभाग
  • भारत सरकार GOVERNMENT OF INDIA
    मत्स्यपालन, पशुपालन और डेयरी मंत्रालय Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying


S.No. Title Published Date Order No. File Download
1 Forwarding of revised Vigilance Clearance Guidelines issued by DoP&T for AIS and Central Civil Services officers. 2025-03-05 C-31018/3 /2021-Vigilance ForwardingRevisedVigilanceClearanceGuidelines.pdf
2 Setting up of Skill Development & Training Cell in DAHD-reg. 2025-03-05 A-43011/12/2025-Admin_1/(E-33669) SettingUpofSkillDevelopment.pdf
3 Regulation of import of livestock products under the Live-stock lmportation Act, 1898: post-import testing of raw hide / skin / furskins -reg. 2025-02-20 L-110110/17/2017 -Trade (E-2957) TestingofRawHide_Skin_Furskins.pdf
4 Regulation of import of pet dog and pet cat under the Live-stock lmportation Act, 1898: Facilitation for final Quarantine Clearance - reg. 2025-02-20 109-01/2012-Trade (E-17748) QuarantineClearnaceofPetDogPetCat.pdf
5 How to apply for SIP Approval on NSWS. 2025-02-17 - How_to_apply_for_SIP_Approval.pdf
6 Leave Management of Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)-reg. 2025-02-12 A-43011/2/2O19-Admin-1/(E-16460) Leave-ManagementofMTS.pdf
7 Celebration of International Year of Cooperatives (IYC) - 2025 reg. 2025-02-11 AB -11018/5/2025-Gen_Cord.(E-33052) CelebrationofIYC.pdf
8 Seeking Public Comments on the Proposed Draft for Strategy Documents on the Prevention and Control of Mastitis-Regrading. 2025-02-07 AD-12/12/2024-AHC StrategyDocumentonthePreventionandControlofMastitisV-Final.pdf
9 Absence of Officers Deployed in the Parliament Section during Budget Session 2025-reg. 2025-02-04 A-43011/28/2024-Admn.l/(E-31913) BudgetSession2025.pdf
10 Opening of office on 01.02.2025 in view of Budget Session of Parliament - reg. 2025-01-31 A-43011/24/2024-Admin.I/(E-31913) OpeningofOfficeon01-02-2025.pdf
11 Revised format Monthly DO 2025-01-28 - RevisedFormatMonthlyDO.docx
12 A Meeting is being organized in committee Room No. 243, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi on 30.01.2025 from 12:30 onwards for review/finalization of the Beta Version of the Know Your Ministry Module of this Department. 2025-01-28 A-43011/30/2022 - Admin.I (E -23723) MeetingNotice.pdf
13 Format for Annexure with Monthly D.O (Monthly) 2025-01-28 - FormatforAnnexurewithMonthlyDO_0.docx
14 Training of MTS and JSA working in Central Secretariat- Reg. 2025-01-23 A-43011/4/2025-Admn_l/(E -32908) TrainingofMTSandJSA.pdf
15 Formation of Panel of Assistant Supervisors/Invigilators for the conduct of the Union Public Service Commission's Examinations at Delhi Centre. 2025-01-17 A-43011/2/2021-Admin-1/(E-18582) UPSCExaminations_0.pdf
16 Submission of filled in proforma for notifying new NTMs-reg. 2025-01-15 L-110110/17/2017-Trade (E-15243) OM15Jan2025forNotifyingNewNTMs_0.pdf
17 lncreasing Efficiency in Decision Making in Government - reg. 2025-01-13 A-43/4/2021/-Admn.l/(E-19594) IncEfficiencyinDecisionMaking.pdf
18 Request to participate in Pariksha Pe Charcha - reg. 2025-01-09 AB-11018/88/2024-Gen_Cord. RequesttoParticipateinParikshaPeCharcha.pdf
19 Revised Work distribution in Divisions (GC/PC/Parliament/Official Language) in DAHD - reg. 2025-01-07 AB-11018/10/2024-Gen_Cord. (E-27812) WorkAllocationOrder.pdf
20 Submission of Immovable Property Return (IPR) for the year 2024 (as on 31.12.2024) by the Officers of Central Secretariat Services (CSS)-reg. 2024-12-31 A-44011/13/2020-Estt.(Hqrs.)/E-18260 SubmissionofIPRCSSYear2024.pdf
21 SOP for SIP Portal - Trade facilitation measures for the benefit of Exporters of Food Products under MSME sector- reg. 2024-12-30 L-110110/44/2024-Trade (E-32147) OM30thDec2024ModelCoA.pdf
22 Special Advisory for Republic Day (Preventing DoS/DDoS Attacks) 2024-12-23 NIC-CISG/2024-12/589 AdvisoryForRepublicDay-PreventingDoS-DDoSAttacks.pdf
23 Special Advisory for Republic Day (Preventing Malware Attacks) 2024-12-23 NIC-CISG/2024-12/587 Advisory-PreventingMalwareAttacks.pdf
24 Special Advisory for Republic Day (Preventing Web Intrusion Attacks) 2024-12-23 NIC-CISG/2024-12/588 AdvisoryRepublicDay-PreventingWebIntrusionAttacks.pdf
25 Meeting To review Milk Situation in the Country 2024-12-20 - MilkSitReviewNov2024Final.pdf
27 Dairy Presentation- Utility Monitoring 2024-12-20 DairyPresentationUtilityMonitoring.pdf
28 Water use in Dairy Milk situation meeting 2024-12-20 - v1WaterUseInDairyMilkSituationMeeting.pdf
29 The expenditure incurred in organizing/conferences/ seminars/training/workshops/exhibitions/display, etc., by the divisions without prior approval from IFD- Regarding. 2024-12-13 G-13/2024-IFD-DAHD (E-32430) Memorandum.pdf
30 lncreasing Efficiency in Decision Making in Government reg. 2024-12-11 A-43/4/2021/-Admn.I/(E-19594) IncreasingEfficiencyinMakingGovt.pdf
31 Hospitality Allowance for the officers of level of Director/Deputy Secretary/Under Secretary/Section Officer/ Group ‘B’ Gazetted Officers (Pay level-7) and other equivalent officers- reg. 2024-12-09 D-31016/11/2023-Admin_2 (E-24667) Hospitality-Circular.pdf
32 Release of Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2024 on the Occasion of National Milk Day 2024. 2024-12-06
33 The work related to Gender Budgeting, Child Budgeting, and DDG in this Department is transferred to Budget Division of this Department with immediate effect. 2024-12-05 A-11018/10/2024-Gen_Cord/(E-27812) Office-Order.pdf
34 Monthly D.O. letter and Monthly Report on significant development in the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying for the Month of November, 2024 for the Cabinet Secretariat– request for information thereof-reg.1 message 2024-12-04 NewMonthlyDOFormatDOLetterFromCabinetSecretary.pdf
35 Monthly Report on the progress in implementation of important initiatives/flagship Programmes / Cabinet decisions of Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying 2024-12-03 AB-11018/8/2024-Gen_cord./E-27374 FlagshipSchemesReportOctober2024.docx
36 Shri S.C.Kashyap, Deputy Secretary is assigned the additional work of IFD/Budget on temporary basis with immediate effect and till the end of ex-lndia leave of Ms. Anandi Venkatesan, Director. 2024-11-28 A-19011/4/2024-Admin_1/(E -28720) AdditonalChargeofIFD.pdf
37 Brouchure of Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics - 2024 2024-11-27 BAHS-2024_0.pdf
38 Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics Book - 2024 2024-11-26
39 The winter session of the Parliament is scheduled from 25th November 2024 to 20th December 2024. 2024-11-20 A-43011/5/2023-Admin_1/(24511) AdvisoryRegardingWinterSession.pdf
40 Re-constitution of lnternal complaint committee to inquire into the complaints of sexual harassment in this Department - reg. 2024-11-19 A.44011/28/2005-Admn.I ReconstitutionInternalComplaintCommittee.pdf
41 Instructions regarding handling of Parliament Questions. 2024-11-13 H.11021/03/2024-Parliament HandlingParliamentQuestionWinterSession_0.pdf
42 PROVISIONAL CALENDAR OF SITTINGS AND ALLOTMENT ANSWERING QUESTIONS -TWO HUNDRED AND SlXTY SIX SESSION RAJYA SABHA (25th NOVEMBER, 2024 to 20th DECEMBER, 2024). 2024-11-08 H.11027/1/2024-Parl.(E-27143) ProvisionalCalendarofLokSabhaandRajyaSabha.pdf
43 Nomination of MDO Leader and MDO Admin for iGOT Karmayogi platform - reg. 2024-10-23 A-43011/30/2022-Admin_1/(E-27505) Nomination-Letter.pdf
44 Advisory to Prevent, Minimize and Mitigate Ocular Trauma (issued by the National Human Rights Commission). 2024-10-22 R-15/4/2020-PRPP(RU-3) document_0.pdf
45 Capacity Building Programs to be undertaken during the campaign period as a precursor to Vigilance Awareness Week 2024-reg. 2024-10-21 A-43011/20/2023-Admin-1/(E-23723) TrainingProgram.pdf
46 Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2024 - reg. 2024-10-17 C-31011/2/2023-Vigilance Vigilance-Awareness.pdf
47 Decommissioning of dahd.nic.in Website and Transition to dahd.gov.in - Reg. 2024-10-16 0-1101311/3/2023-DADF-Dept dahd-website.pdf
48 Computation of lncome Tax for the financial year 2024-2025 corresponding to the Assessment year 2025-2026. 2024-10-07 G-28011/7/2021-Cash ComputationofIncomeTax.pdf
49 SOP for Connecting a Machine to the Ministry Network. 2024-09-23 - SOPForConnectingMachineToTheMinistryNetwork.pdf
50 Extension of the last date for submission of the online applications for NGRA, 2024 in Animal Husbandry & Dairying. 2024-09-10 N-05015/114/2020-CDD (E-17998) ExtensionofClosingDateForNGRA_0.pdf
51 Public Auction Notice for Sale of Animals scheduled on 19.09.2024 at CCBF Hesaraghatta -reg. 2024-09-04 CEAH:CCBF:AUCT:24-25/ CCBFHghattaPublicAuctionNotice.pdf
52 Plantation program/event as a mark of love and respect for one's own Mother and for protecting and preserving Mother Earth under the Campaign ‘#Plant4Mother'. 2024-09-03 K13011(15)/1/2024-AQCS(E-30201) OMRegardingPlantationProgram.pdf
53 Extension of timelines for recording the PARs for the Year 2023-24 in respect of AIS Officers by the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authorities reg. 2024-08-01 5/2020-C.R. Cell Office-Memorandum.pdf
54 Extension of timelines for recording of the PARs for the Year 2023-24. 2024-07-31 11059/03/2024-AIS-III OfficeMemorandumAIS.pdf
55 Observance of punctuality in Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying. 2024-07-31 A-44011/23/2019-Admin-I (E-16035) ObservanceofPunctualityinDAHD.pdf
56 List of Questions admitted for answer in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday the 31st July,2024. 2024-07-25 H-11011-1/2023-Parl RevisedLokSabhaQA.pdf
57 Revision of monetary ceiling for reimbursement of Breifcase/Office Bag/Ladies Purse - reg. 2024-07-15 No.D-31016/09/2023-Admin_2(E-24657) Circular_16July2024.pdf
58 Guidelines for adjudging "National Gopal Ratna Award" in Animal Husbandry & Dairying sector during 2024. 2024-07-01 N-05015/114/2020-CDD (E-17998) GuidelinesNGRA-2024.pdf
59 Work allocation order for Animal Husbandry Commissioner (AHC), Additional Secretary (AS), Joint Secretaries and Advisor (Stat.) in this Department. 2024-07-01 A-19011/5/2024-Admin-1/(E-27494) WorkAllocation.pdf
60 Extension of timelines for recording of the PARs for the Year 2023-24. 2024-06-28 11059/04/2024-AIS-III OfficeMemorandumAIS3.pdf
61 Re-constitution of Internal Complaint Committee to inquire into the complaints of sexual harassment in this Department — reg. 2024-06-24 A.44011/28/2005-Admn.I/(E-17558) OfficeMemorandum_0.pdf
62 President is pleased to appoint Shri Sanjib Bhattacharya and shri S.C. Kashyap as Deputy Secretary of Central Secretariat Services in the Selection Grade (Deputy Secretary) on regular basis, in Level-12 of Pay Matrix in the DAHD. 2024-06-14 A-19011/3/2024-Admn.I (E-28717) OfficeOrder2.pdf
63 With the approval of the Competent Authority, following transfer/postings are hereby ordered with immediate effect and until further orders. 2024-06-14 A-22012/01/2019-Admn.|(E-16297) OfficeOrder1.pdf
64 Notice for Scrutiny of Nomination papers. 2024-04-27 K-12052-7/1/2024-LH NOTICE-FOR-SCRUTINY-OF-NOMINATION-PAPERs.pdf
65 Regarding advertisement to fill 05 posts of Farm Attendant cum Laborer and 01 post of Driver through direct recruitment at Regional Fodder Station, Hyderabad. 2024-03-20 Q-14014/2/2024-Admin_6 [E-27164] AdvertisementToFill-Posts.pdf
66 Filling up of the post of Storekeeper at Regional Fodder Station, Hisar. 2024-03-13 Q-14014/2/2024-Admin_6 [E-27164] RecruitmentToStorekeeper.pdf
67 Regarding the result of the examination conducted for the post of Driver at Regional Fodder Station (RFS), Hisar. 2024-03-13 Q-14014/4/2019-Admin_6 [E-11778] RFS-HISAR-DRIVER.pdf
68 Shortlisting Criteria and other modalities adopted for shortlisting the candidates for fill up 01 (UR-01) vacancy of the post of Multi-Tasking Staff at Central Poultry Performance Testing Centre, Gurugram. 2024-03-13 Q-l4014/3/2024-Admin_6 [E-27169] CPPTC_GURUGRAM.pdf
69 To fill 08 posts of Poultry Attendant on direct recruitment basis in Central Poultry Development Organization (CPDO), Chandigarh. 2024-03-04 Q-14014/2/2024-Admin_6[E-27164] CPDO-Chandigarh.pdf
70 AHSSOH_ESSA_environmental social system assessment Report 2023-04-06 - AHSSOH-ESSA-EnvironmentalSocialSystemAssessmentReportForUploading.pdf
71 Arrangement of Work Allocation is hereby made between Animal Husbandry Commissioner (AHC) and Joint Secretary (LH) 2023-04-03 A-22011/14/2022-Estt.(Hqrs.) Work-Allocation.pdf
72 In reference to the auction of an unusable vehicle by the Central Cattle Registration Scheme 44A/29 Chanakyapuri, Sheela Bypass Rohtak 2023-01-06 - AdvertisementForWebsiteDec2022.pdf
73 Proposed amendment in the Recruitment Rules for the post of Director, General Central Service Group 'A', Gazetted, Non- Ministerial in various Regional Fodder Stations. 2022-12-08 Q-14012/1/2019-Admn.NLM [E-1 1988] RRDirectorRFSSeekingComments.pdf
74 Revocation of Blacklisting of M/s Kreate Technologies Private Limited, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 2022-11-21 V-11/7/2019-Anlm-Dadf
75 Public Notice for seeking of comments of general public on Draft Prevention of Cruelty to Animal (Amendment) Bill, 2022 2022-11-21 V-11/7/2019-Anlm-Dadf
76 Details of Grants-in-aid released during a Fy 2021-22 in accordance with the provisions of Rule 230(2) of GFRs' 2017 2022-09-06 25-1(6)/2022- AHD/ AR OM.pdf
77 Applications are invited for Gopal Ratan Award 2022- Last Date is 15.09.2022 2022-08-01 - GopalRatnaAward2022ApplicationsInvitedLastDateSeptember.docx
78 Constitution of National Advisory Committee for Animal Husbandry and Dairying sector 2022-07-05 25-1(I)/2020-AHD (Coord) ConstitutionOfNACForAHDSector.pdf
79 Hon'ble Minister message on the world veterinary Day 2022-04-30 - MessageWorldVeterinaryDay30.pdf
80 Hon'ble Minister message on the world veterinary Day 2022-04-30 - MessageWorldVeterinaryDay30_0.pdf
81 Prevention measures to contain the spread of Novel coronavirus 2022-04-21 A-44011/23/2019-Admin I CovidCircular.pdf
82 Relieving order of the AHC from his duties in DAHD. 2022-04-08 No.12025/3/2018-Admn.I(Vol.II)/E.10084 RelievingOfficeOrder.pdf
83 Preventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Biometric attendance regarding. 2022-04-06 A-44011/23/2019-Admn.I (E-16035) BiometricAttendanceRegarding.pdf
84 Notice for nationwide strike by the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers on March 28th & 29th, 2022 2022-03-24 A-44011/05/2022-Estt.(Hqrs) Strike.pdf
85 Issue of Corrigendum in DDG for the year 2021-22 2021-08-24 42 - 59/2021-Budget(AHD) / E-19760 IssueOfCorrigendumInDDGForTheYear2021-22GrantNo42.pdf
86 Circular: Retirement farewell 2021-08-18 A-44011/12/2018-Admin-I/Welfare CircularRetirementFarewell.pdf
87 Preventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)- Attendance of Central Government officials-regarding 2021-07-02 A-43011/02/2020- Estt.( HQ) Preventive-Measures.pdf
88 Submission of filled in proforma for notifying new NTMs 2021-05-28 L-110110/17/2017-Trade (E-15243) OMDated28May2021ForNotifyingNewNTMs_0.pdf
89 Condolence of Secretary , AHD on the sad demise of Mr. Sharad Gupta , the editor of Dairy India Yearbook 2021-05-08 25-I(06)/2021-AHD/AR CondolenceLetter_0.pdf
90 Covid-19 vaccination at Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi 2021-05-04 A-43011/2/2020-Estt. (HQ) Covid-19VaccinationAtKB.pdf
91 Preventive measures to contain the rising spread of COVID-19 2021-04-12 A-43011/2/2020-Estt. (HQ) OMDated12-04-2021.pdf
92 List of officials of NLM Section are directed to assist Shri Narendra Kumar, (US) 2021-03-26 A-22011/1/2014 -Admin. I OfficeOrderDated26-3-21AdditionCharge.pdf
93 Posting/Transfers of Veterinarians in the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying 2021-03-26 A+-22011/1/2010 -Admin. I (Pt.) OfficeOrderDated26-3-21PostingTransfers.pdf
94 Re-constitution of lnternal complaint committee to inquire into the complaints of sexual harassment 2021-02-15 A-44011/28/2005-Admin I/Welfare Office-Memorandum.pdf
95 Revival of one post of Head clerk(Assistant), General Central Service, Group 'C', Non-Gazetted, Ministerial in pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800/- plus Grade pay of Rs. 4200/-, corresponding to Level-6 (Rs. 35400-112400/-) in the pay matrix as per 7 2021-01-13 Q-14040 / 2 / 2020-Admn.NLM (E-16802) Order.pdf
96 Work Allocation among AHC and Divisions 2020-07-28 A-22011/2/2020 Estt.(Hqrs.) WorkAllocation.pdf
97 Pre bid meeting of Professional Communication Agency on 15.5.2020 at 1500 hrs through VC 2020-05-11 K-11053(5313)/23/2020-LH/NADCP
98 Setting up of Control room in DAHD for ASF 2020-05-06 -
99 Donation of One Day's Salary to PM-CARES fund reg 2020-04-03 A-43011/21/2019-Admin I (Pt.II)
100 Handling Public Grievances pertaining to COVID19 in DAHD 2020-04-01 27-1/(7)/2018-AHD (Coord)
101 ORDER on Deployment of Staff during lockdown 2020-03-31 A-43011/21/2019-Admin I (Pt.II) OrderforControlRoom.pdf
102 Preventive measures for containment of COVID-19 - attending offices during lockdown. 2020-03-27 A-43011/2/2019-Admin I
103 Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 - Order dated: 23rd march 2020 2020-03-23 A-43011/2/2019-Admin I
104 Fighting Covid - 19 2020-03-22 - ManagementOfSafalEcosystemInTheWakeOfCOVID19_0.pdf
105 Fighting Covid - 19 2020-03-22 - ManagementOfSafalEcosystemInThewakeOfCOVID19.pdf
106 Preventive measures to contain spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) 2020-03-19 A-43011/2/2019-Admin I PreventiveMeasures.pdf
107 Re-constitution of Internal Complaint Committee to enquirer into complaints of sexual harassment in this Department 2020-03-16 A-44011/28/2005-Admin I InternalCommittee.pdf
108 Nomination for Poshan Pakhwada 2020-03-11 A-22011/01/2014-Admin I PoshanPakhwada.pdf
109 Dr. Pynhunlang Blahwar, JC is hereby repatriated to his parent Office i.e. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Dept., Govt. of Meghalaya, and is relieved of his duties w.e.f. the afternoon of the 9th March,2020 2020-03-09 A—19011/05/2013-Admin I OrderDated09-03-2020001.pdf
110 Exemption to employees to mark biometric attendance in Aadhar Based Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) 2020-03-06 A-43011/01/2020-Admin I ExemptionToEmployeesToMarkBiometricAttendanceInAadharBasedBiometricAttendanceSystemAEBAS.pdf
111 Delegation of Power under DFPR -reg 2020-02-17 A- 11019/1/2010-Admin I Image0.pdf
112 Seniority List of Officers in the grade Assistant Commissioner (Animal Husbandry) as on 01.01.2020 in respect of the Dept. of Animal Husbandry and Dairying 2020-02-04 A-44011/18/2014-Estt(Hqrs) SeniorityListOf-AC.pdf
113 Seniority List of Officers in the grade Livestock Officer as on 01.01.2020 2020-01-28 A.44011/18/2014-Estt(Hqrs) LivestockOfficer_0.pdf
114 Implementation of e-HRMS - filling up of employee details in e-HRMS Portal - information required 2020-01-23 A-44011/8/2018-Admin I E-HRMSPortal.pdf
115 Draft Seniority List of Assistant Commissioner in the D/o Animal Husbandry & Dairying as on 01.01.20 2020-01-10 A-44011/18/2014-Estt(Hqrs) ListOfAssistantCommisionner.pdf
116 Office order 08-01-2020(Smt. Neelam Devi, Junior Translation officer in this Department is hereby relieved with effect from 30.12.2019 (Forenoon) to enable her to join Ministry of Earth Sciences.) 2020-01-08 A-20011/12/2012-Admin I Image-_0.pdf
117 Seniority List of Officers in the grade Joint Commissioner (Animal Husbandry) as on 01.01.2020 in respect of the Dept. of Animal Husbandry and Dairying 2020-01-04 A.44011/18/2014-Estt(Hqrs) SeniorityListOf-JC.pdf